Women's Outerwear | Coats, Jackets & Puffers | Calvin Klein (2024)

Last Revised November 1, 2021


The following terms and conditions (the "Terms") govern youruse of the Calvin Klein Mobile Program (the "Program") inthe United States and Puerto Rico provided to you by PVH Corp.("PVH”), parent company of Calvin Klein, Inc. ("CalvinKlein") owner of the Calvin Klein brand (collectively,“we” or “us”). Your use of any aspect of theProgram will constitute your agreement to comply with these terms andconditions and consent to receive text messages relating to theProgram. By joining, you represent and warrant that you: (i) have theright, authority, and capacity to consent to these Terms in theirentirety; (ii) have read, understand, and agree to all of these Terms;and (iii) are over the age of majority in your state of residence.

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify these Terms atany time with or without advance notice. You can always find the mostrecent version of these Terms on the Calvin Klein websitehere. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, yourcontinued participation in the Program after modification constitutesyour acceptance of these Terms as modified. We may, in our solediscretion, terminate, change, modify, suspend, make improvements toor discontinue any or all aspects of the Program, temporarily orpermanently, including the availability of any features of theProgram, at any time with or without notice to you. You agree that weshall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification,suspension or discontinuance of the Program.



To opt out of the Mobile Program, please send thewordsSTOPto 225846
You will receive a final confirmation message stating that you havebeen unsubscribed. Please allow a reasonable time period to processyour request.

Please note that opting out of the Mobile Program will not opt you outof the Loyalty Program. To opt out of the Loyalty Program, pleasecontact our customer support at 866-513-0513 or by clicking thefollowing link:https://help.calvinklein.com/s/brand-form.


For help with the Program, please send thewordsHELPto 225846

Please contact our customer support at 866-513-0513 or by clicking thefollowing link:https://help.calvinklein.com/s/brand-form

2. THE Mobile PROGRAM& The Preferred program

We offer through the Program text messages delivered to your mobilephone. Upon submission of your initial opt in, you will receive a textmessage confirming your request to join the Program. Your affirmativereply to our text message will constitute your written consent to jointhe Program and your agreement to comply with these terms andconditions. You will then receive an opt-in confirmation text message.We will then send no more than ten marketing text messages per month.

Please note that by joining the Mobile Program, you are also joiningour Preferred Program. Participants of our Preferred Program will earnone point for each dollar of a qualifying purchase (excluding taxes,shipping, and fees), pursuant to our Preferred Program Terms andConditions,Terms and Conditions. You consent to receive emails about your earned rewards at theemail you provide us when you join the Program. You can also use thatemail to create an account on our e-Commerce website,https://www.calvinklein.us/LogonFormc, where you can track your earned rewards.


We are pleased to offer you mobile text alerts. Please feel free tojoin the Program to receive our alerts through your wireless device.You can opt in to receive messages by texting the appropriate codenoted at either our Calvin Klein retail shops or or finding our textmessage sign up code online at calvinklein.com. Only legal residentsof the 50 United States (including the District of Columbia) andPuerto Rico may enroll in the Program. Those residing outside of theforegoing jurisdiction are not permitted to enroll. You are requiredto provide true, accurate, and complete information about yourself asprompted by the enrollment form or the messages you receive via textduring the opt-in process. You acknowledge and agree that we will haveno liability associated with or arising from your failure to provideaccurate enrollment information, including, without limitation, yourfailure to receive offers and important information and updates aboutthe Program. If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that theinformation you provided is untrue, inaccurate or incomplete, we maysuspend or terminate your enrollment in the Program.


We do not charge for providing you with the Program. However, pleasecheck your wireless service plan, as your mobile carrier may chargeyou for text messages. Standard message and data rates may apply, andcharges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider.Compatible carriers include: AT&T, Sprint/Boost/Virgin,T-Mobile/MetroPCS, Verizon Wireless, C Spire Wireless, Carolina WestWireless (CWW), CellCom USA, Google Voice, U.S. Cellular, ACS/Alaska,Advantage Cellular (DTC Wireless), Aio Wireless/Cricket, AppalachianWireless, Atlantic Tele-Network International (ATN), Bandwidth,Bluegrass Cellular, Buffalo Wireless, CableVision, Cellular NetworkPartnership (PIONEER), Cellular One of East Central Illinois, CharitonValley Cellular, Chat Mobility USA, ClearTalk(Flat Wireless), CopperValley, Coral Wireless (Mobi PCS), Cross Telephone Company (MBOWireless), Duet IP (Maximum Communications New Core Wireless), ElementMobile (Flat Wireless), Epic Touch (Elkhart Telephone), GCICommunications Corp, Golden State Cellular, i Wireless (IOWAWireless), Illinois Valley Cellular (IV Cellular), Immix(KeystoneWireless), Inland Cellular Telephone Company, Leaco, Mosaic(Consolidated or CTC Telecom), MTA Communications, MTPCS (Cellular OneNation), Nex-Tech Wireless, Northwest Missourri Cellular Limited,Panhandle Telecommunications Systems(PTCI), Peoples Wireless, PineBelt Wireless, Pine Cellular, Revol Wireless USA, RINA, SagebrushCellular (Nemont), SI Wireless/Mobile Nation, SouthernLinc, SRTWireless, Texas RSA 3 Ltd(Plateau Wireless), Thumb Cellular, UnionTelephone Company(Union Wireless), United Wireless, Viaero Wireless,West Central Wireless (5 Star Wireless).

T-Mobile is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.


For Dollar Off Promotions:
Any promotional offer (“Offer”) you receive through theProgram is redeemable for the amount stated on the Text. Offer mayonly be applied to a purchase amount that is equal to or greater thanthe offer amount. Offer must be presented in-person at Calvin Kleinretail stores in the United States and Puerto Rico or atcalvinklein.com. Offer valid thru expiration date provided in Text.The following additional terms apply: (i) offer cannot be combinedwith associate discount; (ii) one redemption per person; (iii) notvalid on gift cards; (iv) not redeemable for store credit or cash; (v)customer must present the mobile message at time of purchase toreceive the offer. (vi) any discount (as shown on the receipt) appliedto merchandise that is returned will be deducted from any refundamount. Certain other restrictions may apply. Please see storeassociate for details. Terms subject to change.

For Percentage Off Promotions:
Any promotional offer (“Offer”) you receive through theProgram is redeemable for an amount up to the discount stated on theText and must be presented in-person at Calvin Klein retail stores inthe United States and Puerto Rico or at calvinklein.com. Offer validthru expiration date provided in Text. The following additional termsapply: (i) offer cannot be combined with associate discount; (ii) oneredemption per person; (iii) not valid on gift cards; (iv) notredeemable for store credit or cash; (v) customer must present themobile message at time of purchase to receive the offer. (vi) anydiscount (as shown on the receipt) applied to merchandise that isreturned will be deducted from any refund amount. Certain otherrestrictions may apply. Please see store associate for details. Termssubject to change.

For Online Shipping Promotions:
Any promotional offer (“Offer”) you receive through theProgram is redeemable for the amount stated on the Text. Offer must bepresented at calvinklein.com. Offer valid thru expiration dateprovided in Text. The following additional terms apply: (i) offercannot be combined with associate discount; (ii) one redemption perperson; (iii) not valid on gift cards; (iv) not redeemable for storecredit or cash; (v) customer must present the mobile message at timeof purchase to receive the offer. (vi) any discount (as shown on thereceipt) applied to merchandise that is returned will be deducted fromany refund amount. Certain other restrictions may apply. Terms subjectto change.


Please see our Privacy Policy herefor more information about how we process your personal information.For questions about how we handle your personal information, pleasecontact privacy@calvinklein.comt


All ownership rights and title in and to the Program are owned by usor our licensors and are protected under applicable copyrights,trade-marks and other proprietary (including, without limitation,intellectual property) rights and international treaties. Unless andexcept as expressly stated in these Terms, you may not reproduce,perform, create derivative works from, republish, upload, post,transmit or distribute in any way the Program, or any portion therein,including, without limitation, any text messages, content, or otheraspect of the Program, without our prior written permission. Allrights not expressly granted to you through these Terms are retainedby us. Nothing in these Terms grants to you any right to use any ofour or any other third party's trade-marks, service marks, logos,domain names or other indicia of origin.


You agree that you will comply with all applicable local, state,national and any other laws, regulations and other legal requirementsthat relate to your participation in the Program. In addition, inparticipating in the Program, you agree, without limitation:

  • not to use the Program in breach of these Terms;
  • not to disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwiseabuse, the Program, or any part of the Program;
  • not to attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the Program orportions of the Program that are restricted from general access;
  • not to use the Program in any manner that could be deemed falseand/or defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene,profane, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or inviolation of any third party rights; and
  • to comply with any other requirements, restrictions or limitationsimposed by us from time to time.


You agree not to modify the format or branding of the content providedin the Program or to add any materials, including any advertisem*ntsor other promotional content, to such content. The Program and contentpart of the Program is owned by us, our affiliates, or licensors andis protected by intellectual property laws. We grant you a limited,non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to download and usethe content on a designated compatible mobile device, solely for yourown personal, non-commercial use. You shall not reproduce, modify,perform, transfer, distribute, sell, create derivative works of orotherwise use or make available the content or the Program except asexpressly provided for in this Agreement.


This Program, in whole and in part is provided on an "as is"and "as available" basis, without express or impliedwarranties of any kind, including, without limitation, warranties oftitle, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for aparticular purpose. To the fullest extent permitted under applicablelaw, you expressly acknowledge and agree that you assume soleresponsibility and risk for your use of the Program and the resultsand performance thereof. In no event and under no cause of action,including, without limitation, negligence, shall we, our affiliates orany of our respective officers, directors, members, employees orauthorized agents, vendors or service providers (collectively, the" parties") be liable for any damages, claims, expenses,losses or liabilities (including, without limitation, direct,compensatory, incidental, indirect, special, consequential orexemplary damages), however caused and under any theory of liability,arising from or in connection with the Program and/or these Terms,even if we are advised of the possibility of such damages, claims orlosses. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we shall notbe liable to you or any third party for: (a) your use of or inabilityto use the Program; (b) any messages or the content of any messagesprovided to you; (c) any goods, services or information purchased,received, sold or paid for in connection with the Program; (d)disputes between you and us; (e) any inaccuracy, incompleteness ormisinformation contained in any information provided through theProgram; (f) unauthorized access to, or alteration or loss of, yourtransmissions or data, or other information that is collected, storedor sent in connection with the Program; (g) errors, system down time,network or system outages, file corruption or service interruptions;or (h) any other use by you of the Program. Your sole remedy underthese Terms shall be to discontinue any use of the Program. Somejurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer, exclusion or limitation ofcertain warranties, liabilities and damages, so some of the abovedisclaimers, exclusions and limitations may not apply to you. In suchjurisdictions, our liability will be limited to the fullest extentpermitted by applicable law.


Our websites, applications, and our Mobile Program are not directed tochildren under the age of 13. If we become aware that a user is underthe age of 13 and has registered without prior verifiable parentalconsent, we will remove their information from our files. If a parentor guardian discovers that a child under the age of 13 has provided uswith information, we ask that you contact us atprivacy@calvinklein.com.


(a) Notices. You agree that we may provide you with notices and otherdisclosures in connection with the Program by text message, postingson the website or other reasonable means of communication. Forcommunications that we are otherwise required under applicable law toprovide in a written paper format to you, you agree that we mayprovide such communications or records by means of electroniccommunications.

(b) Waiver. Our failure to exercise or enforce any provision or rightcontained in these Terms shall not be deemed a waiver of suchprovision or right.

(c) Entire Agreement. The Terms (including the Privacy Policyincorporated into these Terms by reference) constitute the entireagreement between us with respect to your use of this Program.

(d) Indemnification. To the greatest extent permitted by applicablelaw, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from anyloss, liability, claim, or demand, including, without limitation,costs and reasonable legal fees, due to, in connection with or arisingout of your use of the Program or arising from your breach of theseTerms, including any representation or warranty set forth herein, yourviolation of applicable laws, or your negligence, misconduct, orviolation of any rights of another person or entity.

(e) Severability. If any provision of these Terms shall be deemedunlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable by a court of competentjurisdiction, then that provision shall be deemed severable from theseTerms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of anyremaining provisions.

(f) Disputes. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree thatany and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or inconnection with these Terms or the Program (each a"Dispute") will be governed by and construed under the lawsof the State of New York, excluding only its conflict of lawprovisions, and will be resolved on an individual basis, withoutresort to any form of class action and you expressly waive any rightyou may have to arbitrate a Dispute as a class action. You alsoexpressly waive your right to a jury trial. In the event of a Dispute,you and “we”each agree to submit exclusively toconfidential, binding arbitration which will be held in New York, NewYork. The arbitration will be administered by JAMS (http://www.jamsadr.com). You may obtain a copy of the rules of JAMS by contacting theorganization. You and “we” shall agree on one arbitratorto conduct the arbitration. In the event the parties cannot agree onan arbitrator, the arbitrator will be selected in accordance with theJAMS rules. Each party shall be responsible for its own attorneys',expert and other fees, unless such fees are awarded by the arbitratorto the prevailing party. The arbitrator's award is final and bindingon all parties. The Federal Arbitration Act, and not any state lawconcerning arbitration, governs all arbitration under this clause. Anycourt having jurisdiction may enter judgment on the arbitrator'saward. If any part of this clause, other than waivers of class actionrights, is deemed or found to be unenforceable for any reason, theremainder shall remain enforceable. Notwithstanding anything to thecontrary contained herein, if the waiver of class action rightscontained herein is not enforceable as to any person or persons, suchnon-enforceability shall apply to such person or persons only, and allother persons shall continue to be governed by this clause. As statedabove, these terms provide that all Disputes will be resolved bybinding arbitration and not in court or by jury trial. IF A DISPUTE ISARBITRATED, YOU GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A CLASSREPRESENTATIVE OR CLASS MEMBER ON ANY CLASS CLAIM YOU MAY HAVE AGAINSTUS INCLUDING ANY RIGHT TO CLASS ARBITRATION OR ANY CONSOLIDATION OFINDIVIDUAL ARBITRATIONS. WITHOUT LIMITATION, THIS INCLUDES GIVING UPYOUR RIGHTS TO BRING OR PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION AS SET FORTH INANY STATE STATUTE.

(g) Assignment. You may not assign these Terms, by operation of law orotherwise, without our prior written consent. We reserve the right tofreely assign these Terms, and the rights and obligations hereunder,in whole or in part to any affiliate or third party without notice orconsent. Subject to the foregoing, these Terms will be binding on,inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable against you and yourrespective successors and assigns.

For questions contact:
Calvin Klein U.S.A., Inc.
205 W 39th Street
New York, NY 10018
Attn: Mobile Program Team
Tel: 866-513-0513

Women's Outerwear | Coats, Jackets & Puffers | Calvin Klein (2024)


Are Calvin Klein jackets good quality? ›

Generally, people who purchased Calvin Klein jackets are happy with them. Some of the top comments involve the workmanship and the quality of the leather. Calvin Klein is a known brand for a reason, and it does not disappoint. Their jackets have been rated as top 10 in places such as best choice reviews.

Should you size up in puffer jackets? ›

If your puffy coat is too small, the filling won't have enough space for air to circulate. Get a coat that's too large and instead of small air pockets that warm up quickly, you'll be stuck with big, drafty spaces where the chill can easily seep in.

Is A puffer jacket warm enough? ›

Puffer jackets are among the best options for winter jackets. “They come in a variety of insulation weights, lengths, and silhouettes, so you can always find the right one for you,” Hopkins says. She points out that they're the perfect combination of lightweight warmth and comfort for colder climates.

Should puffer jacket be tight or loose? ›

Should winter jackets be tight or loose? Jackets should not sit too tightly against your body. This is to ensure you have breathing space between your body and the inner layer of your jacket for your body heat to circulate easily.

Should a puffer jacket be fitted or loose? ›

A down jacket should perfectly fit at the wrists and the chest, especially when considering the trench coat double designs. Having the right fit is not just about aesthetics; it's also about keeping warm. A loosely fitted down jacket will let the cold air seep in.

Is Calvin Klein high end? ›

Calvin Klein Inc.

Its high-end runway fashion division, which represented the top level of the various Calvin Klein sub-brands, was discontinued in 2019. Calvin Klein Inc.

Why is Calvin Klein so expensive? ›

Quality Materials: Luxury brands often use high-quality materials in their products. Calvin Klein may invest in premium fabrics and construction methods to ensure durability, comfort, and a luxurious feel. Design and I.

Is Calvin Klein considered expensive? ›

Because of its fame and, yes, its price point, it's fair enough to ask if Calvin Klein is technically considered a luxury brand. We'll say that yes, classic CK is about as luxurious as other well-known names like Tommy Hilfiger and VS.

How can you tell if a puffer jacket is good quality? ›

The material of the fabric and the lining can be distinguished from the composition, weight, hand feel, and color; then what treatment the fabric has undergone, whether it is windproof and water-proof; whether it is durable, and washing methods (hand wash, machine wash, dry clean).

What to do if my puffer jacket is too big? ›

That depends on the fabric content of the jacket. If it is purely a polyester/ nylon shell, then it most likely won't shrink with normal methods. In that case, you must "shrink" it by taking in the sides, darting the back and front or wherever it is too large. Sewing may be your best option.

How do you look good in a puffer jacket? ›

Oversized puffer jacket

Oversized jackets work well with skinny jeans or leggings, and knee-high boots. Choose a nice soft sweater to wear underneath, add a beanie and your favorite scarf, and voila — a smart-casual winter outfit is ready to rock the world.

Which brand has best puffer jacket? ›

  • Best Overall. Alo Yoga Aspen Love Puffer Jacket. ...
  • Best Budget. Amazon Essentials Mock Neck Jacket. ...
  • Best Splurge-Worthy. Canada Goose Garnet Cropped Puffer. ...
  • Best Plus-Size. Girlfriend Collective Long Recycled Puffer. ...
  • Best Petite. L.L. Bean Mountain Classic Puffer Hooded Jacket. ...
  • Best Short. ...
  • Best Midi. ...
  • Best Long.
Jan 25, 2024

At what temperature do people wear puffer jackets? ›

Temperatures below 10 degrees

A wool-lined coat like a puffer jacket or a winter coat would be ideal for these conditions.

What temperature are puffer jackets good for? ›

20°F to 30°F (-7°C to -1°C) Welcome to the prime territory of mid-weight puffers! Imagine wandering through bustling winter markets enveloped in the snug embrace of a FinestLeathers masterpiece. Our mid-weight jackets deliver exceptional warmth without compromising on style.

How do you know if a jacket is too small for you? ›

Stand in front of a mirror and look for signs that the fit isn't right. If the sleeves don't cover your wrists and the bottom of the coat rides up — like the image on the left — the coat is too small. If the sleeves go down past your thumb, and the shoulders are much wider than your shoulders, the coat is too big.

How should a down puffer jacket fit? ›

Down and some other materials rely much on their loft for their insulating ability. So if the garment is too tight or snug to the body, it squishes their loft. Better to have them fit slightly fitted to slightly roomy. I would go for the slightly roomy side.

Should I size up or down for North Face puffer? ›

The North Face sizing notes

The North Face generally fits true to size, so take your normal fit. If you're after a slightly baggy style or roomier fit, opt for the size up.

How do you look slim in a puffer jacket? ›

Not unlike standard dressing, the best way to slim down using only your clothing is to dress in only two colors, preferably the old standbys of black and white. If you have a puffer in a classic black colorway, try it over a white T-shirt or blouse, open in the front and with a pair of fitted pants.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5970

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.