Make More Offers Challenge Review (2024)

Make More Offers Challenge Review + FREE $10,500 Bonuses (Including Myron Golden Books)

Read this Full Review to learn how MMO Challenge can help you increase your business revenue by over 1280% in just 4 moves.

Warning: Serious Entrepreneurs Only! (Not for Opportunity Seekers). The "final piece" to rapidly boost your sales with wildly profitable premium offers.

Make More Offers Challenge Review (1)

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

“If you’re going to get rich, the first thing you gotta do is you have to get okay with the idea that being rich is okay.”

— Dr. Myron Golden

If you’re considering Myron Golden’sMake More Offers Challenge (MMOC), please listen up.

Because, if you’re struggling to grow your business or unable to get qualified and engaged leads at a reasonable price, then this challenge is for you.

Myron shows you how to easily and consistently make highly profitable offers that drive substantial revenue into your business.

And he shows you how to do this like clockwork, without fail, through proven frameworks. That’s what the Make More Offers Challenge is all about.

Make More Offers Challenge Review (2)

However, keep in mind that Myron Golden has a deep religious underpinning and is a former pastor.

He also runs a Bible Success Academy and is the international best-selling author of B.O.S.S. Moves.

I say this because, if you are easily offended by the bible or religious teachings, then this challenge is not for you.

What is the Make More Offers Challenge All About?

Make More Offers Challenge Review (3)

Make More Offers Challenge is an intensive 5-day training program that will equip you with the tools you need to create and sell irresistible offers that your customers won’t be able to resist.

Don’t worry if you’re not quite ready to launch your offers yet, or if you’re unsure of how to create and price them.

By the end of this challenge, you’ll have everything you need to confidently launch your offers and start raking in high profits like never before.

Make More Offers Challenge Review (4)

With that out of the way, let’s get into the meat and potatoes.

In this review, I’ll break down who Myron Golden is, what this challenge involves, and what to expect as a result.

While nothing in life is guaranteed, you must understand that you will get whatever you put into this (or any other) challenge.

Look, I’m all for challenges. I think they’re great. It’s a way to gamify the learning process.

That’s why I say that you’ll get whatever you put into it.

Meaning that if you don’t put in the work for this or anything else, you can’t expect to get results.

But since the Make More Offers Challenge is a paid challenge and not free, I get so many people messaging me to ask whether MMOC is worth it or not.

I break the whole thing down for you right now to give you a better understanding of what to expect.

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Who Is Dr. Myron Golden?

First off, who is Dr. Myron Golden? No, he’s not a medical doctor. But he is a Ph.D. Does that give him credibility? Sure. In some ways it does.

But more importantly, you need to know who he is as a person first and foremost.

Myron is a former pastor with a very deep religious sense. He does not mince words and he is very clear about what he teaches.

Make More Offers Challenge Review (5)

He is a dynamic speaker and trainer with over 27 years of experience in sales, marketing, business development, and financial literacy.

Myron has a proven track record of empowering entrepreneurs to achieve extraordinary results. In fact, he coaches several 8-figure and 9-figure business owners who are absolutely crushing it.

But what’s truly remarkable about Myron is his ability to teach everyday people like you and me. He teaches us how to tap into our existing skills to achieve wealth and abundance.

Join the Make More Offers Challenge to take your business to the next level!

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

What is the Promise?

“Discover how you can increase your business revenue by over 1280% in just 4 moves.” –Make More Offers Challenge

Every offer has a promise that it delivers. Think of it as a dream outcome. When you look at the MMOC promise, it’s a big one. 1280% big.

Imagine being able to increase the revenue of your business by 1280%. That can change a lot of people’s lives, right?

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So, the question is, does he deliver on that promise?

When you participate in the challenge, you’ll see plenty of social proof. Myron’s many students will tell you just how dramatically this challenge has changed their lives.

And these are real people that we’re talking about here. It’s quite clear that challenge was a game changer in their businesses.

Make More Offers Challenge Review (7)

Myron has organized this in a way where you’ll see these video testimonials stitched together before each daily session.

That’s designed to help instill a higher level of trust in him as an instructor. Because, after all, he will make you an offer at the end of the challenge for those who want more help.

“In just 30 days after Myron’s training, I created a brand-new premium offer and made $145,646 – with ZERO ad spend, websites or launches!” – Tina Lorenz, Copywriter

Myron’s counterintuitive advice about ‘making more offers’ may seem too simple, but trust me – put it into practice and you’ll be blown away by the results. I am living proof after increasing my monthly revenue by over 55% almost overnight.” – Sarah Mitchell, Online Course Creator

Would you like to create such results for yourself by working closely with Myron Golden during these 5 live days and claim bonuses worth $10K plus Myron Golden’s books?

Then why wait?

Click the button below and accept the challenge.

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Lessons I Learned from MMOC

Make More Offers Challenge Review (8)

There are so many takeaways I got from this challenge. But at the core, there are 4 specific lessons that Myron taught that are at the core of this challenge. While there are loads of lessons in MMOC, these are the pivotal ones.

The employee mindset deeply connects revenue generation to time. Meaning that all employees view money in units of time based on how much they earn or think they can earn per hour or per day.

The way to alleviate your financial problems is to disconnect your ability to generate revenue from your time.

This does not mean you have to create passive income. Rather, you have to look out how you can solve difficult problems for people and get paid what you are worth.

Even if that problem only takes you a few hours to solve, you can still charge what you’re worth.

“The first thing you have to do is create an offer that disconnects your revenue generation from time.” –Dr. Myron Golden

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Lesson 2 — For Every Offer You Should Create At Least 10 Pieces Of Content Where You’re Not Making An Offer

Your offer is the way you make money. It’s a solution you offer to people faced with the problem you solve.

But that doesn’t mean you should pitch your offer every single chance you have. Rather, you should create valuable content around your problem but only make your offer 10% of the time.

Some people make the mistake of always trying to sell their offer. This is not the way to go about it. You should give away the farm in your content and not worry about people not using your services.

Because, giving away valuable content will set you up as an authority that people will want to work with.

When you’re engaging a new audience, for every offer you make you should create at least 10 pieces of content where you’re not making an offer.” –Dr. Myron Golden

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Lesson 3 — Show Up In The Marketplace For The Marketplace

Myron is a firm believer in YouTube. It’s his platform of choice. And when he talks about showing up for the marketplace, he means simply showing up as your authentic self. People know when you’re authentically to help them.

This relates to lesson where you should not always be selling, but rather providing valuable knowledge and expertise to others.

People know the difference of when you’re showing up in the marketplace for the marketplace, and not simply showing up for their money.

“I’m gonna tell you the secret to building a great business. Show up in the marketplace for the marketplace. Don’t show up in the marketplace for the marketplace’s money. It’ll change everything.” –Dr. Myron Golden

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Lesson 4 — Add A Premium Value Offer

If you’re stuck in your business, unable to get ahead and you feel like you keep banging your head against the wall, here’s what to do. Add a premium value offer.

By premium value, Myron means that it should be an amount that makes you giddy with happiness.

Whether that’s $25,000 or $100,000 or even $1,000,000 does not matter.

What matters is that the person will receive at least 10 times the value of the price being paid. In return, you will at least 10x your revenue this year.

“If you do this one thing I’m about to tell you, you could literally 10x your revenue this year. Add a premium value offer.” – Dr. Myron Golden

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Make More Offers Challenge Outline

So, what do you learn and in what order? Myron has structured this challenge in a way that starts at a very basic level of understanding behind offers.

He gives you the building blocks first, then conveys how to structure and deliver those offers in a way that will get people to buy.

At the basis of this is human nature. What Myron wants you to focus on is not how to sell a specific product or service better. Nope. That’s not it.

He wants you to first define the problem you are solving and who you are solving it for.

Without doing that, your business will continue to suffer.

Day 1: Offer Science

On day 1 of the Make More Offers Challenge Myron talks about Offer Science. He first explains offers as being the following:

“The opportunity you give a potential client to exercise their desire to buy (or otherwise obtain) the thing or things that you helped them realize they’ve desired all along, at the price that you previously decided on and they have subsequently agreed to; which they now expect to use to make their experience of life exponentially better!” – Dr. Myron Golden

He goes on to explain that the value of your offer is either going to be amplified or reduced by the overall value of your content. Think about your content as rocket fuel for your offer.

When you start to think about using your content to leverage your offer, that’s when you can take things to the next level.

But Myron’s true focus here is on mastery and to help get you on the road to developing mastery in your business so that you can create an offer that produces income on demand.

To do that, Myron helps you to understand how to define your offer, refine your offer, and confine the offer through a proper lead generation mechanism that leads with value on the front-end.

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Day 2: Offer Strategies

On day two, Myron covers various offer strategies. He teaches the meaning behind the four levels of learning, which include:

✔️ Tactics – What To Do

✔️ Strategies — Why & When To Do It

✔️ Principles — How It Works

✔️ Essence — Why It Works

Myron also discusses how to get super clear on who you can help, define their problem, and be able to provide your solution in a manner that’s easy to state and easy to understand.

He also conveys how to get your prospects attention, get their alignment, and get their agreement to the payoff you will be providing.

Myron explains that people buy because they feel like it, so your job is to create an environment that gets people to feel like buying.

He also explains the importance of getting people to feel like they need you and not the other way around. There are many psychological aspects to this but it is not about trickery, it is about persuasion.

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Day 3: Premium Value Offer, Offer Scripts & Customer Ascension Scripts

On day three, Myron goes into detail about the hook-story-offer framework.

This is a framework taught extensively by Russell Brunson, one of Myron’s many mentors. Hooks are important because they get people’s attention by disrupting their scroll.

But once you get their attention, you have to convey a story that reels them in, and then make your offer.

Stories are a vital part of selling because they hold everything together.

Stories are like the glue to what make offers really stick because they help to personalize situations for your ideal customers.

Conveying vulnerability in your story also helps to make you more of a real person and less of a robot.

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Day 4: Continuity Offers & Offer Systemization

Continuity is a vital part of any business because it helps provide recurring revenue to help sustain your business and give it some level of financial certainty.

Continuity can come in many forms. Of course, this works well when you have a replenishable product. Think razors or vitamins, for example.

But it also works in many other areas such as newsletters, software as a service, membership sites, group coaching, and more.

You create many types of continuity offers such as forcing continuity with a free trial, using an offer launch, an automated webinar, and more.

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Day 5: Offer Stack

In day five, Myron brings all of these concepts together by talking about a concept called the Offer Stack. The Offer Stack is a way to structure an offer by breaking it out into components that make them easier to organize or see clearly.

He also dives deep into how to have a financial turnaround in your business by explaining several core components of how and why biblical principles help to grow a business. He also conveys the principles of modeling success to help achieve it in your business and life.

Join the Make More Offers Challenge to take your business to the next level!

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Pricing for the Make More Offers Challenge

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There are two types of ticket pricing for the Make More Offers Challenge:

1. General Admission: $97
2. VIP Experience: $297

General Admission Benefits

With the General Admission ticket, you will receive:

✅ Five days of offer training with Dr. Myron Golden
✅ Access to the Make More Offers Facebook group
✅ Training on how to dominate the marketplace and crush the competition
✅ Training on how to sell anything to anyoneClick Here to Get Your General Admission Ticket

VIP Experience Benefits

With the VIP Experience ticket, you will receive all the benefits of General Admission plus:

✅ VIP backstage pass to watch and learn from the Zoom Q&A sessions where Myron Golden answers questions for Platinum VIP ticket holders (an additional hour of training each day)
✅ Millionaire Mindset Makeover training
✅ Training on how the Law of Ad Action really works
✅ First access to purchase an upgraded Platinum VIP ticket, with notification via email when doors open
✅ Guarantee to ask Myron Golden a question about your business during the Q&A session (if you have a VIP platinum ticket)

Click Here to Get Your VIP Ticket

Platinum VIP Ticket

The Platinum VIP ticket includes additional exclusive benefits and costs $300.

If you initially purchase the VIP Experience for $297, upgrading to the Platinum VIP ticket will bring the total cost to $597.

Click Here to Get Your VIP Platinum Ticket

Training Dates and Timings

The Make More Offers Challenge will take place from June 17 to June 21, 2024.

General Admission: Noon to 1 PM EST

VIP Experience: 11 AM to 1 PM EST

Scroll down to see the $10K in free bonuses and learn how to claim them.

Exclusive Bonuses from Me (Value: $10,500)

Make More Offers Challenge Review (10)

Now, let’s dive into the exclusive bonuses you’ll receive from me, no matter which ticket you choose. These bonuses are designed to enhance your experience and provide additional value. Let’s break it down by ticket type:

General Admission Bonuses (Value: $8000)

If you purchase a General Admission ticket, here are the exclusive bonuses you will receive:

Bonus One: The $10,000 MMOC Secret Framework (Value $1500)

Make More Offers Challenge Review (11)

My exclusive secret framework that I applied in my business, which I learned from the Make More Offers Challenge, to cross over $10,000 in just a few months.

This framework helped me achieve significant sales without creating any pre-offers or extensive pre-planning.

I simply launched the offer using the strategies I learned from Myron Golden and the Make More Offers Challenge, especially the offer science.

This bonus will show you exactly how I applied these strategies in my business and how you can do the same to sell your products successfully.

Bonus Two: Direct Access via Zoom Calls (Value $1000)

Make More Offers Challenge Review (12)

Get direct access to me via Zoom calls during this 5-day challenge. Since you will be purchasing the General Admission ticket, you won’t have the opportunity to ask Myron Golden questions or listen to the Q&A sessions with him.

To bridge this gap, I am offering you the chance to ask me any questions about your business or any challenges you’re facing in understanding the terms discussed in the Make More Offers Challenge.

* You will have access to one-hour Zoom calls each day for the duration of the 5-day challenge.

* On the sixth day, after the challenge concludes, there will be an additional two-hour call where you can ask me any further questions.

* I have attended the Make More Offers Challenge myself and applied the strategies to my business successfully. I’ll be able to provide clarity on any terms or concepts you find difficult, ensuring you get the most out of the challenge.

* This exclusive access allows you to benefit from my three years of experience in this business, offering you insights and guidance to help you achieve success.

Bonus Three: Done-for-You YouTube Setup(Value $3000)

Make More Offers Challenge Review (13)

This bonus is perfect for any beginner entrepreneur or anyone who doesn’t have a YouTube presence yet. Here’s what you’ll get:

✅ Video Templates: Access to my Canva video templates to create both faceless and face-showing videos.

✅ Training: Step-by-step training on how to create engaging videos using these templates.

✅ Thumbnail Templates: Professionally designed thumbnail templates on Figma, which I use for my videos.

✅ Channel Setup: Complete setup for your YouTube channel, including a custom banner and channel name template.

✅ Script Writing: Done-for-you script patterns and guidance on how to craft effective video scripts.

✅ Voiceover Creation: Instructions on how to create high-quality voiceovers, including sample chats from ChatGPT and Claude for script crafting.

✅ Title Formula: My proven YouTube title formula, along with prompts to use in ChatGPT and Claude to generate compelling titles and descriptions.

✅ Growth Training: Exclusive training on how to grow your YouTube channel using these resources, drawing from my experience in taking two YouTube channels to over 1,000 subscribers, with one channel now monetized and having more than 7,000 subscribers.

This comprehensive setup will equip you with all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed on YouTube.

Bonus Four: 100% Automated Medium Content Writing AI Tool(Value $2500)

Make More Offers Challenge Review (14)

This bonus provides you with an exclusive automated AI software that will write, publish, and add images to your Medium content automatically. Here’s what you’ll get:

AI Software: An automated tool that generates and publishes 100% human-like content on Medium, not just typical AI-generated text.

Exclusive Access: This tool is personally developed by me and has never been shared with anyone else until now.

Proven Success: I’ve used this exact tool to gain over 1,000 followers on Medium and build an email list of more than 2,500 subscribers.

Email List Building: Guidance on how to use this tool to attract high-paying clients and grow your email list from your Medium audience.

Effortless Engagement: You won’t need to write anything yourself. The tool generates real articles and stories that engage readers, encouraging them to share their email addresses so you can start marketing effectively.

This secret tool will help you automate your Medium content creation and build a substantial following and email list, driving significant engagement and business growth.

VIP Experience Bonuses ($10,500)

Make More Offers Challenge Review (15)

For the VIP Experience, you’ll receive exclusive bonuses that enhance your learning and application. Here’s what you get:

General Admission Bonuses: Includes all bonuses from the General Admission ticket, providing comprehensive training and resources. (Value: $8000)

From the Trash Man to the Cash Man: Receive a physical hardcopy of Myron Golden’s book “From the Trash Man to the Cash Man: How Anyone Can Get Rich Starting from Anywhere”. This book will be shipped to your address at no additional cost. (Value: $2000)

✅ Complete Breakdown of the Boss Moves Book: A detailed summary and breakdown of the key insights from “Boss Moves Book by Myron Golden”, designed to help you easily understand and apply the teachings from the book. (Value: $500)

These bonuses are exclusive to VIP Experience ticket holders and offer significant value, especially with the addition of the physical book shipment and detailed breakdown of the Boss Moves’ content.

Click the button below to join the Challenge and Claim Free Bonuses Worth $10,500

How to claim your bonuses?

Now let’s talk about how you can claim your bonuses. To claim your bonuses, follow these simple steps:

Make the Purchase: Click any button or link on this page to make your purchase through my link.

Automatic Email: After your purchase, you will automatically receive an email from us within one or two days. This email will confirm your purchase and provide details on how to access your bonuses.

Challenge Started Without Email: If the challenge starts and you haven’t received an email from us, please contact us immediately. Email us at with a screenshot of your purchase confirmation. We will verify your purchase and ensure you get access to the Zoom calls and other training resources during the five-day challenge.

In Case of No Email (Extended Period): If you do not receive an email from us within four days, please contact us. Email us at with a screenshot of your purchase confirmation. We will verify your purchase and ensure you receive all your bonuses promptly.

By following these steps, you will receive all the promised bonuses without any hassle.

Bonus Policies

Here are the bonus policies to ensure a smooth process for everyone:

VIP Ticket Holders: If you purchase a VIP ticket, you must wait until the challenge completes (six days in total) to receive the “From the Trashman to the Cashman” book. This is to avoid conflicts due to the refund policy. You will receive all other bonuses immediately.

Refund Policy: If you are not satisfied with the challenge and request a refund, the physical book “From the Trashman to the Cashman” will not be shipped to you. This policy helps prevent issues where the book is sent out before a refund is requested.

Access to Bonuses: You will receive all other bonuses regardless of your ticket type as soon as we verify your purchase.

These policies ensure a fair and transparent process for delivering your bonuses while protecting the integrity of the offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Make More Offers Challenge Review (16)

Q: Who is this class for?

Entrepreneurs with products and services they would like to sell more of. If you are a course creator, coach or speaker looking to reach your maximum potential in business, then this class is for you.

Q: Who is this class not for?

Wantrepreneurs and business opportunity seekers. This class is not a shiny object to add to your collection of courses, books and videos you have never gone through. If you are curious about business but not serious, please don’t waste your money or our time.

Q: How much is the training?

There are two ways to participate in The Make More Offers Challenge. The General Admission is only $97, and the VIP Experience is $297, which includes backstage passes to watch and learn from the Zoom pre-game show as Dr. Myron Golden answers the Q&A of Platinum VIP Ticket holders.

You can also become a Platinum VIP Ticket holder by paying an additional $300 when buying the VIP ticket. This upgrade allows you to ask questions directly to Myron Golden.

Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on offers?

While I do have content available on sales and marketing your products and services, this is my premiere content on offer creation and the first time I’ve created a challenge live or otherwise.

Q: Are the challenge classes live?

Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won’t be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for the limited time they will be posted in the Facebook group.

Q: How does the 5-day challenge work?

Each day the challenge training will run from 12-1 pm, with backstage additional VIP training with questions from Platinum VIP ticket holders from 11 am-12 pm each day. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the tasks within the window provided.

Q: Will I get direct feedback from Myron?

Only if you purchase an upgrade of a Platinum VIP ticket, if you have the VIP Experience you will have a virtual backstage pass to watch and learn from the Q & A sessions each day. If you have General Admission you will not have access to listen to the Q&A sessions prior to the general training.

Q: What is a platinum VIP ticket and where can I purchase one?

A platinum VIP ticket is an upgraded ticket that allows you to be guaranteed to ask your question during the VIP session. These tickets are limited to 40 each challenge and are first come, first serve.

Doors to these tickets do not open until a few days prior to the challenge and the upgrade option will be emailed to the VIP ticket holders first, and then to the general admission ticket holders if spots still remain.

Q: If I don’t have a business yet, or I am not a coach or consultant is this challenge for me?

Because Myron teaches based on principles, this challenge does help business owners from all arenas. We have had people from all types of businesses from artists, to truck drivers, to lawn care, and chiropractors who have benefited from what Myron teaches on the challenge.

If you don’t yet have a business, you are welcome to join. However, be aware that Myron is teaching business principles. If you plan on starting a business it could bring insight as you start your entrepreneurial journey.

Q:How to Claim and Receive Your $10,000 Bonuses

To claim your bonuses worth $10,000, follow these steps:

Purchase the “Make More Offers Challenge” through my affiliate link. The link is available on this page. Click on any of the links or buttons on this page to be redirected to the sales page.

Complete your purchase on the “Make More Offers” sales page.

After your purchase, I will be notified of your transaction.

Within one to two days, you will receive an email with access to all your bonuses.

Read the information provided in the bonus section thoroughly, including the bonus policies.

If you have any questions or haven’t received your bonuses, please email us at

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Make More Offers Challenge Review (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 6278

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.