Kale and Apple Dog Treat Recipe (2024)

Apple Ginger Muffin Dog Treat Recipe

Want to fill your home with the scents of apple, ginger, and cinnamon? Our Apple Ginger Muffin Dog Treat Recipe is better than a scented candle.

Carrot and Applesauce Soft Dog Treat Recipe

Looking to bake up an easy dog treat for your senior pooch? Then this Carrot and Applesauce Soft Dog Treat Recipe will be right up your alley.

Devilish Pumpkin And Apple Dog Treat Recipe

Feeling a bit naughty? Is your dog a little devil? Sometimes you have to let loose and let your inner devil come out… in the way of homemade dog treats! And even though our Devilish Pumpkin and Apple Dog Treats sound wicked, they’re really not. These nom noms are packed with goodness – pureed pumpkin is wonderful for your dog’s digestion, and a fresh apple is a good source of fiber as well as vitamin A and C.Devilish Pumpkin And Apple Dog Treat Recipe

Soft Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe

Who doesn’t love soft and chewy cookies? Our senior dogs do, which is why we made this Soft Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe.

Frozen Candy Corn Dog Treat Recipe

Feel that chill? No, that’s not spooky vibes, it’s because of our Frozen Candy Corn Dog Treat Recipe!

This Farm Offers Cuddle Sessions With A Pack Of Adorable Goldens

For decades,  Golden Retrievers have been one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States – heck, in the world. It’s no secret that Goldens are simply everyone’s favorite! Cute, goofy, and cuddly, these dogs are such a wonder and so much fun to be around. And now, thanks to Golden Dog Farm from Jeffersonville, Vermont, the fans of this famed breed can enjoy a very special experience centered around these adorable furballs.This family-run farm launched a special Golden Retriever Experience – a one-hour session allows guests to enjoy refreshments such as cider and snacks, all in the company of a huge group of cuddly golden retrievers called “happy”. The session is usually called the “happy hour” just because of this, and allows anyone to immerse themselves in the company of “at least '' 10 dogs Umm, sign me up for any activity that includes dogs, especially ten of ‘em! The Golden Dog Farm is run by Doug and Becca Worple and in an interview with  USA TODAY, the couple happily exclaimed that the bookings for the experience sold out incredibly quickly. It was certainly not what they expected earlier this year when they came up with the idea and started it all. Not at all surprisingly, it was COVID that caused the idea to come to fruition. During the height of the virus rampage, Doug Worple’s job, based at a travel-oriented global digital advertising agency, suddenly experienced a major hiccup. Trying to get a bearing at this trying time, Doug said he “used the moment to take a step back and consider what was next.” And, together with his partner Becca Worple – herself a photographer and a media representative at a radio station – Doug decided it was best to sell their home in Cincinnati, Ohio, in hopes of moving to a family cottage in Ontario. It was a time of big changes."Then the border closed," Doug Worple said. "Now we're two weeks out of closing on our house and didn't know where to go, so we decided to buy an RV and traveled to 35 different states, 17,000 miles in the RV with two of the dogs."And during this incredible and life-changing adventure, the couple decided to start a golden retriever-based business, and to finally settle in beautiful Vermont. "We've just always loved goldens and always wanted to have a lot of goldens," Worple said. "With what I was doing, I saw the power of influencers and social media and all that and I joked we need to have an Instagram farm full of golden retrievers, and soon we started looking at what that might look like."And once they arrived at Jeffersonville, Vermont, a sign they were looking for appeared – and they were left speechless. While driving through town, they suddenly spotted a truck full of golden retrievers, driven by Dana Menne of Butternut Goldens. It was a match made in heaven. "(Becca told me), 'If God were to send to me a sign we needed to move someplace, it would be a truckload of goldens,'" Doug Worple said.In no time, their idea about a golden retriever “happy hour” began to take some serious shape. And especially thanks to the Butternut Goldens.  "Collectively both of us wanted to do something like this but they didn't have a place to do it and we didn't have enough goldens," Doug Worple said. "But together we could make it happen."At the moment, their “happy hours” are sold out until Dec. 17, but the Worples have plans to extend the dates to April, giving everyone a chance to enjoy this experience. The one-hour experience runs on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and costs $75 for adults and $50 for children."People are so happy when they're here, they have this childlike joy on their faces," Worple said. "People cry because they're so happy."What about you? Would you enjoy an hour cuddling with golden retrievers?

Never Scoop Again With Litter-Robot, The Purrfect Gift For Cat Lovers

Cats like a clean litter box just as much as cat owners do, but scooping clumps can be a hassle. Whisker’s Litter-Robot, the highest-rated, self-cleaning litter box for cats, eliminates the need to scoop the litter box. The newest model, Litter-Robot 4, provides a clean bed of litter for your cats after every use. It features patented sifting technology that sifts out waste after every use and deposits it into a tightly-sealed waste drawer, helping to keep odor under control. For Black Friday, you can scoop one up for less, with $75 off bundles with the Purrfect Litter-Robot accessories you will want.What Sets the Litter-Robot Apart? Litter-Robot 4 features an advanced, patented, sifting technology with QuietSift™ for nearly-silent sifting. That’s right, you don’t have to scoop and you don’t hear the litter being sifted. What could be better?

Owner Who Never Lost Hope Reunites with a Missing Dog After 10 Years

An owner’s undying hope and commitment to keeping their dog’s microchip up to date resulted in a happy reunion 10 years after the dog went missing. A Florida family lost their co*ckapoo, named Cleo, way back in 2014 when the mischievous pooch ran away from home. Despite never hearing anything about Cleo again, the owner Luisa, kept the microchip information up to date in hopes of getting reunited with her beloved pooch.After so many years, most owners would have lost hope of ever seeing their furry companion again but Cleo’s family still had faith, even after they moved to Miami. Finally, all those years of unwavering hope and commitment paid off when Cleo arrived at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay.The organization shared in a post that the dog recently arrived at the shelter as a stray. The staff had little hope that the dog was microchipped but scanned it nonetheless. Imagine their surprise when they discovered a microchip filled with up-to-date contact information.“We were hoping for a happy ending and for her to be reunited with her owners, but we did not foresee the joy her story brought,” the organization said on Facebook.The information on the pup’s microchip led the shelter’s staff to Luisa, who was in disbelief when they called because Cleo had been missing, ever since he ran away 10 years ago! “They never lost hope and continued to update her microchip in the small hope that they would be reunited, even after they moved to Miami.”The family made a five-hour trip from Miami to Tampa Bay to reclaim their beloved pooch. The shelter shared pictures of the emotional reunion, featuring a smiling Cleo. “This shows the power and importance of the microchip and never losing hope,” the post concluded.A microchip is a small transponder that carries a unique identification number. That identification number is entered into a database that contains contact information pet owners provide when registering their pet or when updating the information, like in Cleo’s case. Although microchips don’t possess GPS or tracking abilities they are still considered one of the best ways for owners to get reunited with a lost pet. In addition to microchipping your pet, they can also wear a collar with ID tags that include your current contact information.Microchipping is a simple and cheap procedure with minimal risks for your pet. If you haven’t microchipped your pup, do it now, and make sure the microchip is always registered with up-to-date information. Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Why is My Cat Shedding in October?

The fall colours are out on full display, and temperatures are starting to dip, but for many cat parents, this time of year introduces another interesting change – their cats are starting to shed much more than usual. But if you’re suddenly noticing a trail of fur around your house, you have a few questions, including: Why is my cat shedding in October? Is it normal for a cat to shed more during the fall season? When should I be worried about my cat’s shedding? Don’t worry. We have you covered! This blog post will discuss seasonal shedding and how it may affect your cat. Plus, we have assembled a list of tips and tricks to help you deal with the increased shedding during fall, ranging from how to help your cat stay comfortable to keeping your house clean (or as clean as can be expected). Let’s dive in… Why Do Cats Shed? Whether you are a first-time cat owner experiencing shedding for the first time or a lifelong cat lover who simply hasn’t explored the reason why our cats shed – let’s talk about why this occurs. After all, isn’t losing hair a sign of illness or disease in humans? Shedding is a natural process in animals like cats where dead or damaged hair falls loose. This is essential for your cat’s skin and coat health. The amount of hair your cat sheds will depend on several factors, including the breed, age, overall health, and the time of year. That’s right, the time of year does have an impact on the shedding cycle…Is it Normal for Cats to Shed in the Fall? There are two times each year when you may notice an increase in hair collecting around your house. Commonly referred to as “shedding season,” this heavy shedding activity falls in the spring and the fall as your cat’s coat adapts to the change in temperature. The heavy winter coat is shed in the spring to make way for a lighter summer coat. Then, the reverse happens in the fall as they set themselves up for the best chance of survival during the cold of winter. Check the temperature – if it’s starting to drop and there are colder days ahead, you can expect to see the shedding activity pick up in the coming days.

Shelter Cat's Brutally Honest Adoption Ad Goes Viral: She Will Own You

Last month, the Humane Society of Washington shared a brutally honest adoption post in which they introduced a cat who is up for adoption. The adoption post, which went viral, describes the feline in question as “a more lively houseplant.”The three-year-old tortoiseshell cat named Quinn arrived at the Humane Society of Washington County in Hagerstown, Maryland, in August as a stray. According to the post, Quinn is currently the shelter’s longest-term cat resident.This is not the first time the shelter advertised Quinn’s adoption. However, since the first post hasn’t helped Quinn find her person, the shelter decided to change tactics with a brutally honest profile.“Do you want a cat who doesn’t want you? Do you crave the feeling of being judged in your own home? Do you need someone who will slap you back into reality without notice? If you answered yes to any of these questions we have a cat for you!” posted the Humane Society of Washington County on Facebook. “Meet Quinn!” the shelter added.The post went on to say that Quinn’s not for everyone. “But surely there’s someone out there who would appreciate her icy stare and her sudden smacks.”Continuing to highlight all of Quinn’s quirks the post said “She has an uncanny ability to make people feel unwelcome in her presence!” This particular trait makes Quinn perfect for people who are tired of visitors and just want to enjoy the peace of their home. Additionally, Quinn isn’t an overly energetic feline. “Quinn only seems to want to play about once a month,” making her an ideal companion for people who aren’t big fans of physical activity.“Quinn is essentially a more lively houseplant, because all she really needs a human for is food, water, and changing her litter,” said the shelter.“If you adopt Quinn you will not be her owner, because Quinn cannot be owned. She will own you, your house, your belongings, and everything you hold dear.” The shelter also noted that Quinn isn’t on the main adoption floor with other felines and must be asked for by name. The feisty feline has taken up residence in an office where she rules with an iron paw. Anyone interested in being “Quinn’s servant” should not have canines or small children in the house. “Quinn would challenge any dog to a fight. For the dog’s safety, it’s best that she goes to a home without any canines,” said the shelter. The Humane Society of Washington County added - “Quinn is like a more physical version of someone yelling ‘Get off my lawn!’ at small children.” - leaving teens and adults as only suitable housemates. “We originally [shared] a conservative post highlighting Quinn’s strengths, but when no one came for her, we decided the best way to find her a home was to rip off the band-aid and just let her true colors shine,” said Collin A. Berry, executive director of the Humane Society of Washington County, to Fox News Digital. Soon after Quinn arrived at the shelter it became clear that she wasn’t a particularly social feline. She didn’t allow any of the staff to touch her for close to a week. After being sedated for an exam, and given a clean bill of health, it became clear that her behavior wasn’t the result of pain or an underlying health condition. “Everyone thought time and space would help, but as it turns out, Quinn is just Quinn,” said Berry. “She’s a lady who knows what she wants and when she wants it.”We’re happy to report that Quinn has been adopted! It turns out honesty is the best policy! Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Study Finds That Cats Have Hundreds of Facial Expressions

If you’ve lived with cats for any length of time, you know that they express themselves in a variety of ways, and their faces can tell you a lot. Yet, there are some people who think that cats are expressionless, especially when compared to other animals. Well, science has once again come through to prove that cats are social and communicative; you just have to know how to read them.

A Dog is Adopted After 7 Years in Shelter After An Emotional Discovery

One pet shelter in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, has been the home of a darling rescue dog named Ella for 7 long years. But the long wait for a happy ending is finally over – as Ella was recently adopted, and under very special circ*mstances at that. The staff at  Bloomsburg Animal Resource Center have titled this “an extremely special adoption”, and advised readers that “they might want to grab a tissue real quick for this one”.Ella had been at the shelter for the last seven years, making her the center’s longest resident. But recently, things took a turn for the better, when Ella was spotted by Kaitlyn, a resident who quickly fell in love with the rescue pooch. When coming to the center, Kaitlyn said that her long-time furry friend, Jo, recently passed away, and now she was ready to meet a new dog.And as soon as the two met, the match was made. It was obvious that they were meant for each other. Ella quickly made everyone know that Kaitlyn was her “human”. Usually, it wasn’t so. Ella was a victim of abuse and had a long history of fear and aggression. It would take several visits for her to get relaxed around strangers. But with Kaitlyn, this was not the case. The bond was near-instant. “She immediately walked over to Kaitlyn with no hesitation, allowing her to give Ella scratches and pets right away,” the staff of the adoption center said.At the end of the adoption meeting, when Kaitlyn was about to leave, she suddenly noticed something that made her overwhelmingly emotional. What she spotted was the bandana that Ella was wearing around her neck. Her eyes welling with tears, Kaitlyn said to the staff that it was the exact bandana that belonged to her recently passed away dog, Jo. She said that after the passing, she donated all the bandanas to the center. “This bandana that Ella is wearing, it’s Jo’s. I donated them all here when he passed,” Kaitlyn said, quickly showing a picture of Jo wearing it. The symbolism and the connection were incredible. It was a sign that the two were meant to be together. When they realized what happened, the staff was moved to tears: “Out of the 20 dogs in our shelter right now, this bandana. This specific bandana. Jo’s bandana. It was on Ella.”Later, Kaitlyn said that the bandana is a sign: “I like to think of it as Jo’s stamp of approval.”And so it was, that after 7 long years of waiting, the kind and gentle Ella found her new forever home, and a human friend who would treat her right.“Every morning, Ella used to pop up off her bed and greet you at the door of her kennel right away,” the staff at the Animal Resource Center said. “We’ll miss that tomorrow, it’ll be such a bittersweet moment realizing that as we pause to reflect on a few of our favorites times with Ella — but my goodness the amount of pure happiness we will feel every day knowing Ella finally got what she deserved: ELLA GOT ADOPTED.”

Are Dog Bars the New Dog Park?

Socializing with other pet parents over a cold one, just got easier!

Sleeping With Pets: Here's What Experts Have to Say

Pet parents adore their four-legged companions so much that they choose to sleep with them at night. Research shows that more than half of pet owners sleep with their pets. Most pet owners consider their pets part of the family, so it is no surprise that they will go out of their way to ensure their furry companions’ comfort. However, with an increasing focus on our sleep health, pet parents are starting to wonder about the potential disadvantages of sleeping with pets. In fact, sharing a bed with a pet is the subject of controversy among pet parents.Various studies suggest that there are many benefits to sleeping with pets. And experts tend to agree. According to Audrey Wells, MD, a board-certified sleep medicine physician, a pet can provide an emotional connection and reduce anxiety and stress levels, therefore promoting sleep. “Some people may consider their pets an added layer of security, dependable to alert them to unexpected noises or lights.”Another benefit of sleeping with your pet is that they can keep you nice and warm during the night. People who get chilled easily might enjoy cuddling with a furry companion during frigid winter nights.“Pets are sensitive to routine, and they can help enforce a regular bedtime and better sleep quality for their owner,” explained Dr. Wells. “Similarly, pets can signal wake-up time in the morning and even prompt some time outside for a walk and daylight exposure.”If you enjoy sleeping with your pet and find it beneficial for your sleep, the science agrees with you. According to Amanda Farah, National Training and Behavioral Coordinator at Best Friends Animal Society, studies have found that some people sleep more soundly when their dog is sleeping next to them. “If you and your dog both sleep well together, you’ll enjoy the health benefits that come with a good night’s sleep, such as improved mental clarity, lower blood pressure, reduced stress, and a stronger immune system,” explained Farah.According to Teddy Cralle, Ms, RN, certified clinical sleep educator, some people sleep better when their pet is in the bed, but some don’t. If there’s a chance that you won't get a good night’s rest while sleeping with your pet you shouldn't sleep with them in the first place. For example, if you’re a light sleeper and your dog likes to change positions during the night, sleeping with your pooch may wake you more often, resulting in low-quality sleep. Also, some pups like to claim the entire bed for themselves, leading to a sleepless night and a backache. “Sacrificing your sleep means sacrificing your health, well-being, and quality of life - and that is not a sacrifice to make,” Cralle added.Sharing a bed with a pet may not be the best idea if you’re an asthma or allergy sufferer. Although some dog breeds shed less than others, no dog is truly hypoallergenic because it’s their dander and not hair that triggers an allergic reaction. Zoonotic diseases are another downside of sleeping with pets. Research has confirmed that sharing a bed with a pet can increase the exposure rate to pathogens that might be present. Although no one wants to think about it, pets can bring unwanted guests to your bed. Fleas and ticks are the most active during the warmer months, but the truth is they can infest your pet all year long. If the downsides of sleeping with your pet have made you reconsider your sleeping arrangement don’t fret - you can still have your pooch close by while you sleep. A crate or a cozy dog bed next to your bed will help everyone get a good night’s rest. Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Researchers Find Genetic Links Between Human and Canine Brain Tumors

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have discovered striking similarities between the most common type of brain tumor in dogs and humans - meningioma. These findings were published in the scientific journal Acta Neuropathologica. Until now, scientists struggled to find reliable experimental models to understand the biology of and develop effective treatments for these tumors. But thanks to these newly discovered similarities, doctors will be able to use a classification system that identifies these aggressive tumors in humans and pooches.“The discovery that naturally occurring canine tumors closely resemble their human counterparts opens numerous avenues of exploring the biology of these challenging tumors,” said Dr. Akash Patel, an associate professor of neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine and principal investigator at the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute (Duncan NRI) at Texas Children’s Hospital. “It also provides opportunities for developing and studying novel treatments applicable to both humans and dogs,” he added.During the study, researchers analyzed 62 dog meningiomas from 27 breeds and found that the tumors were remarkably similar to the same kinds of tumors in humans. To this date, this is the largest study of the gene expression profiles of the canine meningioma. Others, including Dr. Jonathan Levine, a VMBS professor and the head of the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences (VSCS), and Dr. Tiemo Klisch, assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine and Principal Investigator at Duncan NRI, were involved in the study along Dr. Patel. Meanwhile, assistant professor Dr. Beth Boudreau was a key collaborator. Previous work done by Levine, Boudreau, and others at VMBS, which found similarities between gliomas - the second most common type of brain tumors - in humans and dogs, was instrumental for Patel’s study. “We ended up agreeing to provide Patel with canine tumor samples we had worked years and years to achieve, to see if he could isolate the RNA, which is not always easy to do,” said Levine, in a statement. “He was able to produce this very robust data set that showed a similar pattern structure to human tumors. Our team also provided Dr. Patel with key clinical outcome data, including responses to certain treatments.”Now that the researchers have found a link between brain tumors in humans and dogs they hope to establish clinical trials to continue their research. Setting up this type of clinical trial can take several years of planning and requires funding.“We are really interested in creating wins for both human and animal medicine,” said Levine. “For example, we hope to give dog owners access to therapy that’s not available anywhere else in the world through clinical trials. At the same time, that information will also inform the next step of human trials.”As it happens, another group of researchers from the University of California, Davis, conducted a similar study with matching results about meningioma in humans and dogs. This study was also published in the scientific journal Acta Neuropathologica.Now, the two research groups plan to collaborate in the future and share their findings to develop treatment options for both human and canine brain tumors. “If we do one trial, we’d be able to enroll patients a lot more quickly, which would make it easier to get larger data sets resulting in stronger findings. So we have a lot of interest in doing a collaborative trial,” added Levine. “We really see the team out in California as potential partners.” Thanks to this groundbreaking research, scientists now have a better understanding of brain tumors and are one step closer to developing life-saving treatments for both humans and dogs. Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Vet School Aims to Dispel Misinformation About Mysterious Illness

News about a mysterious illness has been making dog parents across the country nervous as they seek out available information. While there have been reported advances made in understanding the cause of the illness, many of the details are still vague, and a lot of “data” being shared by the mainstream media seems to be contradicting. How do you know what to believe?To help clarify the sea of information, Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine has published an educational hub on their website with information about the illness, Atypical Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (aCIRDC).This hub is divided into several categories: Prevalence, Clinical Signs, Pathogenesis, Screening, Treatment, Prevention, Travel, and News. The goal is to share reliable and actionable information for pet parents that will help them make smart, knowledge-driven decisions about their pet’s health, especially as we head into a busy time of travel during the holiday season.Reported Cases of IllnessAccording to the hub, there are currently reported cases of “a chronic respiratory disease with characteristics of aCIRDC” in 16 different states, including:CaliforniaColoradoFloridaGeorgiaIdahoIllinoisIndianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsNew HampshireNevadaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandVermontWashingtonOne of the most important things to note is the wording used by LSU Vet Med. This list is based on reported respiratory illnesses that have characteristics of the mystery illness, but it does not mean that the disease itself has been confirmed. Many respiratory infections and ailments present with very similar symptoms, including Canine Influenza and Bordatella.How to Prevent Illness in Your Dog This Holiday SeasonWhile there is no guarantee that the above states pose a higher risk of aCIRDC, veterinarians and other professionals recommend that pet parents take precautions to keep their pets safe. This is especially important as many of us plan to travel and visit family for the holidays. The following recommendations (as outlined by LSU Vet Med) will help to prevent your dog(s) from getting sick from any respiratory ailment, not just aCIRDC.Ensure Vaccinations are Up to DateWe currently don’t have enough understanding of aCIRDC for a preventative vaccination, but there are vaccinations for some respiratory illnesses. Check with your veterinarian that your dog is current on all routine vaccinations.Limit Exposure (Where Possible)If possible, avoid or limit bringing your dog to areas that put them at a higher risk of contracting a respiratory illness. This includes dog parks or shelter environments. Have a conversation with boarding and training facilities where dogs socialize to better understand their preventative measures, including cleaning and sanitization efforts. You should also ask about the vaccine requirements for dogs in their care and their plan for handling animals that show signs of being ill.Isolate Dogs with Signs of IllnessIs your dog showing signs that they may be ill? If so, isolation is critical. Don’t bring a potentially sick dog to public spaces, and do your best to keep them safely isolated from any other unaffected dogs in your home.

Homeless Man Rescues a Litter of Orphaned Puppies During a Storm

An anonymous homeless man has become an internet sensation after rescuing a litter of puppies and taking them to the shelter during a storm. In the wake of a recent storm, the Fayetteville Animal Protection Society in North Carolina discovered that a nameless man had dropped off a litter of five puppies at the shelter’s door. The puppies, estimated to be less than two months old, were left with a touching note. “The note was from a kind soul, a homeless man who, despite his own hardships, took it upon himself to rescue these innocent lives after their mother, a local stray he cared for, tragically passed away,” share the shelter in a Facebook post. The shelter also posted pictures of the note left by the homeless man, who apologized for not being able to care for the puppies himself. “Please help,” he wrote. “I found these puppies sadly after noticing a local stray dog that I would often feed when I could, dead by the road. She had been hit by a car.” The man added that he knew she had a litter of puppies nearby and that he searched the area for them, so they wouldn’t starve and freeze to death waiting for their mom to return. “I’m sorry for leaving them like this, but I myself am homeless and cannot afford to care for them,” the man explained. “My heart shatters for them and their mother. I just want them to be given the chance their mother, like myself, was never given.”“Please do not think poorly of me, but it felt wrong leaving them alone in the cold waiting on a mother that would not be coming home. Sincerely, the nameless man.” Touched by this selfless act of kindness, the shelter thanked the nameless man, saying that his good deed hadn’t gone unnoticed. The shelter promised to honor this selfless gesture by ensuring these puppies get all the love and care they deserve. “Your empathy in the face of adversity gives us hope and inspiration,” the shelter wrote. The staff invited the man to come by the shelter to visit the puppies and get a proper thank you. So far, the Fayetteville Animal Protection Society has not heard from the man but noted that many people have offered to help him get back on his feet if he comes forward. To acknowledge the lucky circ*mstances of their rescue, the shelter named the puppies Chance, Kismet, Serendipity, Fortun, and Fate. The puppies were extremely malnourished and small when they were rescued, so the shelter couldn’t yet determine their breed.“We are guessing they are lab mixes and will grow to be about 30 to 40 pounds, but again that’s a guess,” said the shelter. According to the shelter, the applications to adopt these cute puppies will open on February 1. The organization explained that they will only consider applicants from Cumberland County, North Carolina because the puppies are going home on a foster-to-adopt basis until they are old enough to be spayed or neutered. In the meantime, the organization is accepting donations and has a wish list available for anyone willing to assist in caring for these puppies. “Unfortunately, we still don’t have any updates about the kind man who brought these puppies to us. While the puppies have names now, their rescuer remains unknown. We continue to hope he’ll come forward,” the shelter wrote. “Thank you for your continued support and love for these animals. Together we’re making a difference in their lives one puppy at a time.”Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Anxiety in Dogs: Studies Show How Common It Is

Dogs experience a range of emotions, but researchers have found that anxiety, in particular, is surprisingly prevalent among canine companions.

Kale and Apple Dog Treat Recipe (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.