How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (2024)

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This easy step-by-step recipe is perfect for beginners and will teach you how to can peaches in no time! Who knew canning peaches could be so easy?

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (1)

Every summer when I was a child, my mom and grandma both did lots of canning and freezing of fruits and vegetables. It was just the norm and at the time, I had no idea what a gift it was to grow up experiencing that art!

And now that I have a home of my own, I enjoy carrying on the tradition. Although, I’ll be the first to admit that I do nowhere nearly as much of it as what they did!

After home-canned diced tomatoes, peaches are my favorite thing to can- partly because they are so easy to do, and partly because they taste100 times better than store-bought canned peaches!

How do you can peaches? Let me show you!

Pro tips for canning fresh peaches:

  • When selecting your peaches, choose a freestone/cling-free variety. These are the best because they peel the easiest and it’s easier to remove the pit/stone.
  • If you end up with a non-free stone variety, this little pitting spoon makes removing the peach pit super easy (although still harder than if your peach was a freestone variety!).
  • If you buy or pick a large number of peaches, it’s a good idea to lay them out in a single layer on newspaper or cardboard. This helps keep your fruit from squashing each other as they ripen.
  • When you’re ready to can your peaches, select slightly soft peaches. Any that are still really firm are not quite ripe enough yet! Let them go for a day or two and check them again.

Supplies for Canning Peaches:

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How to Can Peaches- step by step

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (2)

1. Wash peaches thoroughly
Under running water, wash peach by gently rubbing to remove any peach fuzz and dirt.

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (3)
How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (4)
How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (5)
How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (6)

2. Cut and peel
Take the peach and slice in half, following the “seam” on the peach. Gently twist both pieces and pull them apart.

Remove the seed by putting the tip of your knife under the peach pit and pulling it upwards toward yourself. Then peel the peach.

Some people like to blanch their peaches by dipping them in boiling water to help remove the peel, but I’ve found that if your peaches are nice and ripe, generally they are easy to peel without needing to do that.

Just start at the top of the peach where the stem would be and carefully grab the skin with your knife. Pull gently and often you’ll get most of the skin in one try.

The upside is that your peach stays fresher because it isn’t cooked at all by the boiling water.

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (7)
How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (8)

3. Slice/Dice (optional)
Cut your peaches into whatever size pieces you prefer.

Traditionally, people canned peaches in halves. But I like to cut them into smaller bite-sized pieces both because I can get more peaches in each jar (which saves me time and uses fewer canning jars!) and also because the bite-sized pieces are easier to eat, especially for my children.

If you decide to dice your peaches, a fast way to do it is to cup half of a peach in the palm of one hand, and with the other cut the peach first in half and then each of those two pieces in half again. This will leave you with 4 long pieces. Then just cut across those pieces two or three times to create nice, bite-sized pieces.

Update: A few readers have also recommended using an apple corer as a way to quickly dice the peaches.

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (9)

4. Put Peaches in Canning Jars
Place fresh peaches into freshly washed canning jars. Be sure to check the opening of the jar for any nicks, cracks or rough edges, since any of these things may prevent your jar from sealing!

If you choose to can your peaches in halves or quarters, layer them in the jar with the cavity side down and overlap the peaches in whatever way you can to fill your jar as full as possible.

If you’ve diced your peaches, simply dump them into the jar. A funnel makes this super easy!

Once a canning jar is full, carefully shake it to settle the contents so that you can fill it completely. I often take a dishrag and put it underneath the jar and then gently pound the jar against the dishrag a bit. It always amazes me how much extra space this creates!

Add more peaches as needed to fill each jar to the base of the neck.

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (10)

5. Fill Jars with Sugar Syrup
To preserve the flavor and texture of the canned peaches, you need to cover them with a simple sugar syrup made by combining sugar and water. I prefer a medium syrup and the ratio for making that is 2:1, so 2 cups water to 1 cup sugar.

Combine the sugar and water and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. I like doing this in a pitcher or measuring cup for easy pouring. Pour the syrup over the peaches in each jar and fill to the base of the threaded neck.

Wipe the rim of each jar with a damp cloth to remove any peach/syrup residue that may be there. (If there is even a slight bit of peach or juice on it, it may not allow it to seal properly.)

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (11)

6. Sanitize and Top the Jars with Lids
Once you have 7 canning jars filled, place 7 metal canning lids in a small pan. Cover with water; bring to a boil.

Once the water boils, use a fork to lift the jar lids out of the water- be careful not to burn yourself!- and place them on the jars. Secure each lid with a jar band/ring.

(Heating the lids softens the rubber, allowing for a better seal. However, Iread recently that some of the newer lids actually recommend that you don’t boil them, so you double check the instructions on your box of lids before doing this step.)

NOTE: I say 7 jars because that is the amount a typical water bath canner holds. If you don’t want to can 7 jars, obviously just adjust the number to however many jars you are doing.

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (12)

7. Can the Peaches for 30 min.
Place the jars into the canner. Fill with enough hot water to cover the jars by 1 to 2 inches. Turn the burner to medium-high heat.

Once the water starts to boil, reduce the heat slightly and process for 30 minutes as per the National Center for Home Food Preservationsguidelines, making sure the water is boiling gently and steadily the whole time. (You may need to adjust the heat to keep the boil going nicely, but really, as long as it is boiling, you are fine.)

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (13)

8. Remove from the canner….let cool.
After processing for 30 minutes, turn the burner off.

Remove jars of canned peaches using a jar lifter- you may want to have a dishrag in your other hand to catch any hot water that drips from the jars as you remove them- and place them on an old towel, blanket or other padded surface. (The reason for doing this is to protect your countertop from the super hot jars.)

Allow at least a little bit of air space around each jar, making sure not to have jars close enough to touch. Do not move until the jars are completely cool.

Jars should seal as they cool and you will typically hear a snap or pinging sound as the vacuum seal is formed. Lids will be slightly concaved when sealed. To test the seal, lightly tap the center of the completely cooled jar lid. If it is firm and does not move, it should be sealed.

If it pushes in, it didn’t seal properly. You can still use unsealed jars, just put them in the refrigerator and use them as soon as possible.

After the jars are completely cool, you can remove the rings. Jars should be wiped clean before storing.

Enjoy! You now know how to can peaches like a pro!

More home canning and freezing recipes:

  • How to Can Diced Tomatoes
  • How to Make and Can Tomato Juice
  • How to Can Dill Pickles
  • How to Make and Can Homemade Applesauce
  • How to Freeze Green Beans
  • How to Freeze Blueberries
  • How to Freeze Rhubarb

How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (14)

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4.88 from 25 votes

How to Can Peaches

A simple recipe for canning fresh peaches to enjoy all year long!

Author: Lydia @


  • Paring Knife

  • Pitcher or measuring cup to mix the simple syrup in

  • Wide Funnel(optional)

  • Clean damp dishcloth to wipe jar rims

  • Small kettle to boil jar lids in

  • Fork or lid wand

  • Waterbath canner

  • Canning jars with lids and bands

  • Jar lifter

  • Old towels or rags to set the hot jars on


  • Wash peaches under running water, gently rubbing to remove any peach fuzz and dirt.

  • Take the peach and slice in half, following the “seam” on the peach. Gently twist both pieces and pull apart. Remove the seed by putting the tip of your knife under the peach pit and pull upwards toward yourself.

    Then peel the peach.

  • Cut your peaches into whatever size pieces you prefer.

    Traditionally, people canned peaches in halves. But I like to cut them into bite-sized pieces both because I can get more peaches in each jar(which saves me time and uses less canning jars!)and also because the bite-sized pieces are easier to eat, especially for my children.

  • Place the fresh peaches into freshly washed canning jars. Be sure to check the opening of the jar for any nicks, cracks or rough edges, since any of these things may prevent your jar from sealing!

    If you choose to can your peaches in halves or quarters, layer them in the jar with the cavity side down and overlap the peaches in whatever way you can to fill your jar as full as possible.

    If you’ve diced your peaches, simply dump them into the jar. Afunnelmakes this super easy!

    Once a canning jar is full, carefully shake it to settle the contents so that you can fill it completely. I often take a dishrag and put it underneath the jar and then gently pound the jar against the dishrag a bit. It always amazes me how much extra space this creates!

    Add more peaches as needed to fill each jar to the base of the neck.

  • Make a simple sugar syrup by combining a 2:1 ratio of water and sugar- so 2 cups of water to 1 cup sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. I like to do this in a pitcher or measuring cup for easy pouring.

  • Pour the syrup over the peaches in each jar and fill to the base of the threaded neck.

    Wipe the rim of each jar with a damp cloth to remove any peach/syrup residue that may be there. (If there is even a slight bit of peach or juice on it, it may not allow it to seal properly.)

  • Once you have 7 canning jars filled, place 7 metal canning lids in a small pan. Cover with water; bring to a boil.

    Once the water boils, use a fork or lid wand to lift the jar lids out of the water- be careful not to burn yourself!- and place them on the jars. Secure each lid with a jar band/ring.

    (Heating the lids softens the rubber, allowing for a better seal. However, Iread recently that some of the newer lids actually recommend that you don’t boil them, so you double check the instructions on your box of lids before doing this step.)

    I say 7 jars because that is the number of jars that a waterbath canner typically holds. Obviously, if you are canning fewer jars of peaches, adjust the number accordingly.

  • Place the jars into the canner. Fill the canner with enough hot water to cover the jars by 1 to 2 inches. Turn the burner on medium-high heat.

    Once the water starts to boil, reduce the heat slightly and process for 30 minutes, making sure the water is boiling gently and steadily the whole time. (You may need to adjust heat to keep the boil going nicely, but really, as long as it is boiling, you are fine.)

  • After processing for 30 minutes, turn the burner off. Remove the jars of canned peaches using jar lifter- you may want to have a dishrag in your other hand to catch any hot water that drips from the jars as you remove them- and place on an old towel, blanket or other padded surface. (The reason for doing this is to protect your countertop from the super hot jars.)

    Allow at least a little bit of air space around each jar, making sure not to have jars close enough to touch. Do not move until jars are completely cool.

  • Jars should seal as they cool. You will typically hear a pinging sound as the vacuum seal is formed. Lids will be slightly concaved when sealed. To test the seal, lightly tap the center of the completely cooled jar lid. If it is firm and does not move, it should be sealed.

    If it pushes in, the jar didn’t seal properly. You can still use unsealed jars, just put them in the refrigerator and use them as soon as possible.

  • After jars are completely cool, you can remove the rings. Jars should be wiped clean before storing.


An apple corer also can be used to quickly dice the peaches.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Susan Barton

    I felt some relief when I looked at your finished peaches….mine are also floating in the jars which had me a bit worried. Apparently this is from air in the fruit but eventually, they do drop!


    • Lydia Beiler

      I’m glad that it could help put your mind at ease, Susan! In my experience, it’s pretty common to have happen…and I don’t know that the fruit ever actually drops for me either. But they still taste delicious!


  2. Marisa

    What is the shelf life of the peaches?


    • Lydia Beiler

      Assuming home-canned peaches are stored in a cool, dry place they should be good for at least a year. However, even after a year, they don’t go “bad”, they simply will lose quality over time and become softer and not quite as flavorful. The few times that I’ve had a jar of peaches that has become a bit soft, I just use them to make a dessert that calls for canned peaches. Hope that helps, Marisa!


  3. carolyn anderson

    How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (15)
    if i want to can pints instead of quarts. do i adjust the processing time.


    • Lydia Beiler

      Carolyn, you would only reduce the processing time by 5 minutes, so it would be 25 minutes total.


  4. Jess

    How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (16)
    Thanks for this! I canned peaches for the first time today and referenced this a lot!!


    • Lydia Beiler

      Go you! That’s quite an accomplishment. And so happy to hear that this recipe helped you do it.


      • Rebecca

        Do these come out mushy?


        • Lydia Beiler

          I wouldn’t say they are mushy but they definitely are softer than if you cut up a fresh ripe peach and ate it.


  5. Kathy

    Forgot to heat lids ! Will they be ok


    • Lydia Beiler

      Yes, they should be fine as long as the jars sealed. Many of the newer lids actually say on the instructions that you don’t need to boil them anyway. I should update the post to reflect that!


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How to Can Peaches (an easy step by step recipe tutorial) (2024)


Is there an easy way to can peaches? ›

Since peaches are more acidic, you can can them in water. You could also use half water/half juice (apple or white grape juice). You could also sweeten the syrup naturally with pure organic maple syrup or honey. Let me know in the comments below how these methods turn out, since I haven't done it before!

What is the easiest way to preserve peaches? ›

Freezing Peaches (Sugar Pack)
  1. Dissolve ¼ teaspoon ascorbic acid in 3 tablespoons cold water and add to each quart of peaches to slow darkening.
  2. Add ⅔ cup sugar to each quart (1⅓ pounds) of prepared fruit.
  3. Stir gently until sugar is dissolved or let stand 15 minutes. Place into containers.
  4. Seal, label and freeze.

How much sugar to water for canning peaches? ›

Sugar syrup for canning peaches can be made by mixing sugar and water in the following amounts and heating until the sugar is dissolved:
  1. Very light syrup: Mix 1 1/4 cups of sugar in 10½ cups of water.
  2. Light syrup: Mix 2 1/4 cups of sugar in 9 cups of water.
  3. Medium syrup: Mix 3 3/4 cups of sugar in 8¼ cups of water.
May 31, 2022

How do you can peaches? ›

The process:
  1. Fill jars 3/4s of the way with peaches.
  2. Pour in the syrup until the top of the peaches are covered.
  3. Wipe rim of jar with clean damp cloth and screw on hot lids and rings.
  4. Place in water bath canner with the water a half inch over the top of jar. Boil for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove with jar lifter, place on towel.
Jun 29, 2019

How long do you boil peaches before canning? ›

Simmer the peaches for about 5 minutes, then use a slotted spoon to fill the jars with the hot peaches. Fill with hot syrup and process for 30 minutes (Add an additional 5-10 minutes for high altitude). No water bath canner?

Is it better to freeze or canning peaches? ›

Freezing peaches is a little easier and quicker and produces wonderfully sweet and delicious peaches to put in your freezer. Canning peaches produces jars of peeled and halved peaches for your pleasure.

Are canned peaches cooked before canning? ›

There are two ways you can can peaches: the hot pack or the raw pack method. When you are hot packing peaches, you are cooking the peeled & pitted peaches in the syrup before canning them. This will release some of the air the peaches have which will prevent them from floating and browning over time.

What is the best juice for canning peaches? ›

Peaches may be covered with your choice of sugar syrup, water, or apple or white grape juice. Sugar is not needed for safety in canning fruit; but in addition to adding flavor, sugar in the liquid helps to keep the texture of the fruit firm and preserve the color.

Are homemade canned peaches good for you? ›

The nutritional value of canned peaches is on par with that of fresh peaches. HOW DO WE KNOW THIS? Research conducted by Oregon State University confirms that the nutritional value of canned peaches is on par with that of fresh peaches.

How long do you process peaches in a water bath? ›

I pealed and sliced the peaches; dry packed them into glass quart jars; covered with white grape juice; tried to get all the bubbles out; and left about 1/3 to 1/2 inch of headroom in the jars. I processed the jars in a boiling water bath for about 45 minutes.

How to can peaches without adding sugar? ›

Mix citric acid with a 1/4 of a cup of water, coat peaches to prevent darkening. Pack slices into jars, almost to the top. Bring the juice to a boil, add peach skins and pits if desired, simmer for a few minutes. Remove skins and pits and discard.

Should I add lemon juice to canned peaches? ›

Low-acid peaches – Use hot-pack method. When jars are filled, add ¼ teaspoon citric acid or 2 teaspoons lemon juice per pint. Process as indicated in hot pack instructions.

Can peaches be canned in a water bath? ›

I pealed and sliced the peaches; dry packed them into glass quart jars; covered with white grape juice; tried to get all the bubbles out; and left about 1/3 to 1/2 inch of headroom in the jars. I processed the jars in a boiling water bath for about 45 minutes.

Is canning peaches worth it? ›

If you want to can to save money and only to save money, then you'll have to do the maths to see how much money it would save indeed save you. If a high-quality commercial quart of peaches costs $5 in your area, then your saving is $55 a bushel.

Which is better canning or freezing peaches? ›

Freezing peaches is a little easier and quicker and produces wonderfully sweet and delicious peaches to put in your freezer. Canning peaches produces jars of peeled and halved peaches for your pleasure.


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